Depot Quality Control

Repair Tariff

Textainer has developed a comprehensive repair tariff incorporating labor and material costs, that is in place at all of our principal depots. 

The tariff covers the most frequently occurring repair items.

The tariff incorporates very significant economies of scale, especially for multiple and combination repairs. 

Material prices are based on prevailing local costs.

The tariff is constantly updated with each of our principal depots and has been in effect since January 1997.

The tariff and has been developed to assist our customers in controlling and reducing repair costs.

Depot Audit Program

Textainer performs audits of its repair depots on a regular basis. The principal objectives of the depot audit program are to ensure: 

  • High quality repairs, prior to on-hire.
  • Fair, accurate repair estimates, at the lowest possible costs, at off-hire.
  • First class administrative service at Textainer's depots.
  • A high quality product for our customers. 

The depot audit program rewards depots for good performance and penalizes depots for poor performance.

Since its inception the depot audit program has seen depot estimate accuracy improve from an average variance of 20% to less than 5% today.